CS 184: Computer Graphics and Imaging, Spring 2019

Project 3: Pathtracer

Jireh Wei En Chew, CS184-agu


After project 2, we start to look at how to render our meshes, and calculate lighting in project 3. We first learn how to generate rays from the camera and project them into world space in Part 1. This allows us to sample the scene at the point at which the rays hit the object, but only using the normals to colour the objects.

Next, we attempt to speed up the process by implementing bounding volume hierarchies in Part 2. These precomputed data structures allow us to cull away irrelevant portions of the scene by using the axis-aligned bounding box of the primitives in the scene. This data structure is formed like a tree, such that we traverse further down the tree using the bounding boxes to ensure that we are looking only at the primitives that we actually intersect. This results in a great speed up of rendering, allowing us to render more complex meshes with hundreds of thousands of triangles like the model of Lucy.

In part 3, we implement a material that allows us to now render colours based on the material, rather than the normals. We implement only the lambertian diffuse material but this is enough for us to start. We start to calculate lighting by shooting rays from the point of contact of the camera ray and objects in the scene. With 2 methods, we are able to capture the light on that point and pass the irradiance information back to the camera. We first used hemisphere sampling, which resulted in noisy pictures due to the random nature. By inverting the ray to check only rays coming from the light sources, we use importance sampling to generate images that are less noisy.

Part 4 improves our lighting realism by implementing pathtracing. Instead of only considering rays that come directly from the light source, we bounce rays to collect irradiance information about reflected indirect light that may still light up points that do not have direct line of sight to light sources otherwise. We are now able to render soft shadows, and we can see materials being affected by the colour of other materials and objects around them.

Lastly, Part 5 improves the noise generated by this process and speeds up by checking if the value of the irradiance has converged. Since some points, despite multiple bounces of rays and accumulation of radiance from other objects, do not change in irradiance significantly, we do not need to continually sample for more bounces or rays.

In summary, we are able to generate realistic images with soft shadows, indirect lighting, and ambient occlusion at relatively fast speeds due to the optimisations and algorithms we implement in this project.

Part 1: Ray Generation and Scene Intersection

Using the ns_aa argument, we decided which part of the current pixel being raytraced we would shoot a ray through. If only 1 ray was used, we would take the centre of the pixel and use the provided est_radiance_global_illumination method to obtain the radiance of the ray.
If not, we would randomly pick ns_aa number of rays and average the samples we got.

In generating the rays, we performed the following calculations to find our ray in world space:

  1. Interpolated between the (0,0) and (1,1) positions of in camera space using the random x and y values given in the section above.
    The z value was kept at -1 as the sensor plane was at z = -1.
  2. Normalized the vector to ensure it was at unit length.
  3. Used c2w multiplication vector to transform the camera space coordinates to world space coordinates.
  4. Created a ray with the position starting at the camera position pos and direction of the calculated world space ray above.
  5. Set the ray's minimum and maximum cast distance to the near and far clipping planes of the camera.

In order to render triangles and spheres, we implemented methods to calculate for the intersection of rays on such objects.

Rendering of spheres: .37 seconds
Rendering of gems: 3.8 seconds
Rendering of cow: 94 seconds
Rendering of coil: 147 seconds

Part 2: Bounding Volume Hierarchy

The BVH construction algorithm uses a recursive function to partition the primitives of the mesh into leaves of a binary tree. When scanning for intersections with objects, we use this precomputed information to speed up checking for intersections. These are the following steps for generating our BVH tree.

  1. At the start, this algorithm is performed on the root node, and the list of pointers to primitives is the full list of primitives.
  2. Cycle through every primitive and create a bounding box for all primitives.
  3. Create a new node with this bounding box.
  4. Check if the size of the number of primitives is less than the max_leaf_size. If so, we treat this node as a leaf node and assign all the primtives to the node->prims variable of the node we created, and return it.
  5. If it is not a leaf node, then we have to partition the primitives into the left and right subtrees.
  6. Calculate, based on the size of the bounding box, the largest axis to split the current volume on.
  7. We use a heuristic based on the average centroid of all the primitives, and partition the list of primitives based comparing on the largest axis we found. We separate the primitives into a left or right list.
  8. If either list is empty, we take one primitive off the other list and push it into the empty list. This prevents infinite recursion on an empty list.
  9. We recurse with the left and the right list and set node->l and node->r to the resulting node.
  10. Finally, we return the node.
The BVH intersection algorithm has 2 versions, one that returns information about the intersection and another that just returns true if there is an intersection. This is a recursive algorithm that traverses the BVH tree structure we created above.
  1. First, check if the ray intersects the bounding box of the node. For the root node, this is the bounding box of the entire mesh. Return false if it doesn't intersect.
  2. If intersects, we check if the ray falls between the t values that intersect the bounding box. Return false if it doesn't.
  3. Next, check if the node is a leaf node. If it is, cycle through all primitives and check if the ray intersects with any primitive. Return immediately if true.
    If it's the second version, store a boolean for intersection and return it after cycling through every primitive. This is done so that the nearest intersection will be stored, since the primitive intersection function culls all intersections beyond the current one.
  4. If it's not a leaf node, recurse and call the function on the left and right child of the node and returns if there is any intersection.

Rendering of dragon: .25 seconds
Rendering of Lucy: .24 seconds
Rendering of beast: .19 seconds
Rendering of bunny: .29 seconds

Comparing speeds

In part 1, cow.dae took 94s to render. Now, it takes 0.22s. The overhead for building the BVH is only 0.0052s, so the overhead for generating the BVH is insignificant compared to the improvements in speed. This is in part enabled by the axis-aligned bounding boxes that reduce the amount of multiplications and divisions needs to calculate t values for the ray. In BBox::intersect, we perform a total of 6 subtractions and 6 divisions to determine if a ray intersects a box. Compared to the 3 subtractions, 6 multiplications and 1 division to determine intersection at just a general plane , this saves a lot of compute. If we use better heuristics like the surface area heuristic in the lecture note, we will get even better partitions (if we multiply by 6, to check for general bounding boxes, this is a lot more). However, due to time limitations, I was only able to use the average centroid position as a splitpoint.

Part 3: Direct Illumination

For an overview, estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere takes rays from the camera, shoots it into the scene and generates a random ray from the point of contact, and then samples the light from the intersect of that random ray. If it hits a light source, the point will get lit by the light source. However, since this is a random ray, and if there are limited number of light sources for the ray to hit, this results in a lot of the scene having darker spots and noise.
Specific implementation details:

  1. Calculate the hit point of the ray from the camera.
  2. Convert that into an "outgoing" ray as that is the outgoing direction of the light back towards the camera.
  3. Sampling over the number of lights in the scene multiplied by the number of samples to take per light source, we intiate a for loop over num_samples.
    1. Take a random sample over a hemiphere.
    2. Convert that sample into world space.
    3. Create a ray shooting outward in this direction, originating from the point where the camera ray hits an object (let this be CameraObject) in the scene.
    4. If the ray intersects something, we get the emission of the object. For non-light objects, this is 0.
    5. Weight the sample by the bsdf of the CameraObject, the cosine of the sample and the pdf.
    6. Add this to L_outover the total number of samples.
  4. Finally, return L_out divided by the number of samples taken to get the average lightning on the point on the CameraObject.

For estimate_direct_lighting_importance we reverse the process in that we shoot rays from the light towards objects, and collect those that end up hitting objects and boucing towards the camera. This allows us to eliminate the noise since we are selecting the rays that will definitely light up the scene, rather than in hemisphere sampling where we randomly sample and hope to hit the light.
Specific implementation details:

Comparison between importance and hemisphere sampling

Here, we can compare the differences between hemisphere and importance sampling. For the bunny, we see that hemisphere sampling is a lot noisier due to the randomness in starting from the hit point on the object and randomly shooting a ray to hit a light. However, with importance sampling, we say that we only want rays from the lights that hit the point that the camera rays hit, hence we eliminate randomness in the sense that we make sure every sample will only accumulate samples from lights. This is also why the dragon appears black in hemisphere sampling, as the light source is a point, and there is a very very low chance that a random ray will hit this point light. However, in importance sampling, we make sure that all rays we sample first hit the point light, then we calculate the light hitting the hit point on the CameraObject.

Hemisphere sampling: Bunny is noisy.
Importance sampling: Bunny is quiet.
Hemisphere sampling: Hidden Dragon
Importance sampling: Crouching Tig- I mean, you can see him now!

Comparing number of light rays

We use the CBspheres_lambertian.dae scene to render the images below with varying number of light rays from 1, 4, 16 and 64, and keep the number of samples per pixel to 1. We can see having more light rays allow for less noisy pictures.

A single light ray.
1 light ray.
The light rays are multiplying!
4 light rays.
Wait, these aren't bunnies, why are there so many?
16 light rays.
Oh, light rays are mathematical bunnies.
At least they aren't that noisy. 64 light rays.

Part 4: Global Illumination

The indirect lighting function allows us to include bounced rays of light on shadowy areas. Previously, we only looked at points that were in direct line of sight of the light sources. However, non-light sources also reflect light, and these reflected light rays can light up areas otherwise not in line of sight to light sources.
Implementation details:

Comparing only direct illumination versus only indirect illumination

A sad, dark bunny.
Lit by only direct lighting.
Bunny lit by only indirect lighting.
We can see the colours reflected off the walls.
Even sadder, darker spheres.
Also only direct lighting.
Spheres lit by only indirect lighting.
The spheres have colour from the walls.

CBbunny.dae max ray depth comparison

Bunnies AND multiplying light rays?
Depth of 0.
It's an epidemic!
Depth of 1.
At least more light rays make the bunnies look better.
Depth of 2.
Oh, light rays are mathematical bunnies. At least
they aren't that noisy. Depth of 3.
Now this bunny is LIT.
100 ray depth.

Sample-per-pixel rates at 1, 2, 4, 8, 64, 512, 1048 with 4 light rays, at depth of 5.

Colour is reflected off the walls, but the image is noisy.
Only 1 sample per pixel.
An improvement, but not enough.
2 samples per pixel.
Noise is decreasing with increasing samples.
4 samples per pixel.
It's like slenderman in reverse!
8 samples per pixel.
Is slenderman still here?
16 samples per pixel.
Noise is almost gone!
64 samples per pixel.
Is the noise really gone?
512 samples per pixel.
Yep, I think we're safe now. No more noise.
1024 samples per pixel.

Part 5: Adaptive Sampling

Since we have implemented indirect lighting, we are able to bounce many rays and get semi-realistic lighting. However, for parts of a scene, sometimes the bounces of light are not needed as the subsequent rays do not significantly change the value of the irradiance on that point. As such, we turn to adapative sampling to check if the value has converged. Implementation details in raytrace_pixel:

  1. If we have multiple camera rays per pixel, we initialise a running sum of the illumination from est_radiance_global_illumination as illumSum or s1 in the spec.
  2. Initialise a square sum of illumination to calculate our variance in squaredIllumSum, or s2 as specified in the spec.
  3. Initialise a counter for the number of samples
  4. For every sample, we add the illumination and squared illumination to these variables. We also increment the number of samples taken by 1.
  5. Every samplesPerBatch number of samples, we calculate the mean and variable of the set of samples.
  6. Use these values to calculate the convergence value of the set of samples.
  7. If this convergence is less than or equal to the percentage tolerance of the mean, we break out of the loop.
  8. We set the number of samples to the sampleCountBuffer.
  9. Return the sum of samples averaged over the number of samples, rather than over the max of ns_aa.

Very quiet bunny.
CBbunny.dae with 4096 samples per pixel and depth of 5.
The ambient occlusion at the corners and edges
are more bouncy. Like the bunny.